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NIA News – E-Brief

The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 3B: Applications due to open in September

Phase 3b of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) is due to open to applications in September 2022 and up to £635 million is available. This is to be spent across financial years 2023/24 (£402 million of funding) to 2024/25 (£233 million of funding).

PSDS 3D Guidance

What is it? 

The PSDS provides grant funding for heat decarbonisation and energy efficiency measures for organisations within the public sector. It should be noted that heat decarbonisation remains the primary focus of the scheme.

How does it differ to Phase 3a? 

There have been refinements, namely: a proportion of funding is available for projects delivered over multiple years or more; a focus on cost effective heat decarbonisation; and emphasis on achieving savings in carbon emissions. There are also new additions to the guidance.

What are the new additions? 

  • Sector soft caps – these are to ensure the fair allocation of funding across the public sector. This is based on carbon emission distributions across sub-sectors (find more information in Phase 3b PSDS Technical Annex here. See Page 3 in the PSDS Phase 3b Guidance for how the sector soft caps will work.
  • Multi-year applications. PSDS Phase 3b funding is available across financial years 2023/24 and 2024/25.
  • Planning year. PSDS Phase 3b funding can be applied for projects requiring expenditure in 2024/25, by using 2023/24 as a year to plan. This is to improve certainty in funding commitments.
  • Applicant contribution. Applicant funding should be equivalent to the like-for-like costs of replacing their fossil fuel heating systems. This cost must be 12% of total project costs as a minimum and evidenced. If the cost is below this percentage, the applicant must make up the funding to 12%. If the cost percentage is above, the applicant must still contribute the full like-for-like replacement costs. For example, if 20% of total project costs is like-for-like, the applicant must fund the full 20%.
  • ‘Whole building’ approach. This applies only to the buildings and parts which are being heated by the proposed low-carbon heating system, and the building expected to host the system. Buildings not served by the proposed low-carbon heating system are not eligible for measures under PSDS Phase 3b.
  • Energy efficiency cap. The maximum grant proportion is 58% of total grant costs per application for energy efficiency measures.


Where does insulation fit in? The primary focus remains heat decarbonisation, however it promotes a whole building approach, and a fabric first approach is supported particularly where the low-carbon heating system is serving.

It also says that if the building’s heat or electricity demand can be reduced by energy efficiency measures and other enabling works, they can be included in an application for funding.

The guidance does support that heat demand within the building should be reduced, where cost-effective and practical, before installing new low-carbon heating measures.

To read the guidance, please click here

Key Dates

  • September 2022: Application Portal opens. This will close when the budget has been met through the applications.
  • January 2023: Outcomes of funding, including the announcement of successful projects.
  • 31 March 2024: Projects awarded funding for a single year must be completed.
  • 31 March 2025: Projects awarded funding for multiple years must be completed.

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you to those who provided their feedback on the consultation response for the Welsh Housing Quality Standard 2023. This has now been submitted. Your feedback is much appreciated and helps to shape and influence industry.

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NIA News – E-Brief

22nd July 2022 - Competition Guidance is released for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund: Wave 2.

As promised, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has released guidance for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2.

The £800m two year scheme aims to install energy performance measures in social homes in England. It was developed as part of the 2021 Spending Review Settlement and will look to tackle fuel poverty, reduce carbon emissions, improve comfort in the home whilst also developing the retrofit sector and supporting the green economy.

What does the guidance say?

The guidance provides an overview of the key headlines of Social Housing Decarbonisation, outlines the differences between Phase one and Phase two, talks about the funding available, and also gives additional considerations and an indicative timescale.

The next key date to be aware of is early August, when BEIS intends to release Application forms, further FAQs, Grant Funding Agreements, Grant Offer Letters and Data Sharing Agreements. The competition is then set to launch at the end of August, closing 8 weeks after it launches.

To read the guidance, please click here.

What are the performance and delivery considerations?

These are as follows:
  • Homes must reach EPC rating C (with exceptions for F/G rated homes that cannot reach this level
  • Installers must be TrustMark accredited
  • PAS2035 must be used to ensure quality and safety

Feedback to the NIA’s response on Welsh Housing Quality Standard 2023

Thank you to those who have provided their feedback on the draft consultation response for the Welsh Housing Quality Standard 2023. The deadline for those who have yet to respond is 27th July 2022. Your feedback helps to shape and influence industry, and your input is much appreciated.

If you haven’t received this but would like to, please email to be added to the policy mailing list. Any questions please let me know.

NIA News – E-Brief

8th July 2022

There has been much going on in Parliament this week. Read on for a summary of certain topics you may have missed.

Updated Approved Document F1 – Ventilation 

Building Regulation Approved Document F (AD F) has been updated for England and Wales. It concerns ventilation to maintain indoor air quality and is specific to ‘Existing Dwellings’ only. It came into effect in England on 15th June 2022, and will later come into effect in Wales on 23rd November 2022.

What has changed?

The equivalent areas for background ventilation in specific locations  in an ‘Existing Dwellings’ has increased. These are as follows:


  1. Background ventilators are required in any replacement windows which are not wet rooms, if the dwelling has, or is planned to have continuous mechanical extract ventilation. The minimum equivalent area is 4000mm² in each habitable room.
  2. Additional background ventilation will not be required if the dwelling has, or plans to have continuous mechanical extract ventilation with heat recovery
  3. Additional requirements for specific scenarios include the addition of a “conservatory” or “wet room”.
The changes have been proposed to implement best practice and to ensure product and property compliance with AD F. Technical guidance is found in:
Although the changes came into effect in England on 15th June 2022, they won’t apply where a building notice or initial notice has been give to, or full plans have been deposited with a local authority before 15th June, provided that the building work is started before 15th June 2023.

What are the potential implications?

There are several potential implications such as:
  • Increased number of ventilators
  • Increased length of ventilators
  • Property / window design specific with a requirement for a ventilator to be in the sash and the head
  • The addition of window frame extensions to clear plaster lines, increased head rail size and/or a change of design

What if the existing design won’t be able to achieve regulation compliance?

There are a few options to consider:
  1. Alter the design so that it complies with regulation
  2. Specify additional vent-to-head (only one window within a wet room, two smaller vents required due to size of the window. Additional vent added to head, dependent on plaster lines a frame extender may be required)
  3. Specify over frame / glass vent
  4. Install vents to the size and quantity as is technically feasible to achieve as close to the requirements

Ofgem draft ECO4 guidance

Ofgem has published draft guidance; Draft Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Guidance: New Measures and Products (NMAP) V0.1 | Ofgem for stakeholders who want to know about applying for and delivering new measures and products under ECO4. The document is shared on a comment basis alongside its ECO4 Administration Consultation Part 2.

It seek views on their proposed format and administration of the NMAP routes on ECO4. Please see the Ofgem ECO4 Administration Consultation Part 2 for further information on the type of feedback Ofgem are seeking, and on how to respond to the consultation.

If you have any questions, please contact Andy Morrall, Senior Technical Policy Manager Email:

For more information click here.

Draft Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Guidance: New Measures and Products (NMAP) V0.1

Ofgem’s Engagement Event

Ofgem are keen to hear from industry about their proposed administration for the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) 4 scheme as set out in their consultation which closes on 18th July 2022.

ECO4 intends to launch in summer 2022, to continue its support of low-income households to make their homes more energy efficient. ECO4 is intended to launch in summer 2022.

The event will provide an overview of Ofgem’s proposals as set out in the consultation. The event will be held on:
12th July 9:30am – 11:30am

For more information click here.

Join Ofgem's Engagement Event

Energy Security Bill

With so much going on in Parliament this week it has been a challenge to keep up. However, on 6th June, the Energy Security Bill was introduced to Parliament. It aims to deliver a more affordable, cleaner and secure energy system.

The date to consult on the powers is expected later on this year, and we will keep you up-to-date. For more information please see the below factsheet:

Energy Security Bill factsheet: Power to review the energy performance of buildings regulations energy certificates (

The Energy Security Bill
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NIA members looking to play a part in the drafting of consultation responses are invited to subscribe to our policy mailing list.

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NIA celebrate the work of the insulation sector at its Parliamentary Day 2022

Energy efficiency industry gathers for the National Insulation Association’s first Parliamentary Event at the prestigious Pavilion Terrace, House of Commons.   

It was fantastic to see over 130 attendees join the National Insulation Association’s (NIA) first ever Parliamentary event on 6th June 2022. The event aimed to bring people together across the insulation sector, celebrating the hard work that industry has done so far, and to look ahead at the priorities and opportunities. Government and Industry speakers covered an array of important topics, such as the role of insultation in reaching net zero and helping to alleviate fuel poverty, and the subsequent challenges faced. A clear message was communicated throughout the day, highlighting the importance for collaboration amongst industry to uncover solutions to challenges, and it is an exciting time of unprecedented opportunity for the sector. 

The NIA would like to thank the sponsors for supporting the event; PermaRock Products Ltd, Sustainable Building Services (UK) Ltd and Sto Ltd. 

The day started at Broadway House in Westminster, where Derek Horrocks, Chairman of the NIA opened the event by welcoming everyone, advising that the day should be seen as an opportunity to celebrate the hard work of industry. Fiona Chestnutt, Policy Lead for the NIA Secretariat next spoke about the intention of the Secretariat to produce a policy paper to put to government in Autumn, to understand the role of insulation in the road to net zero and in lowering fuel bills to help mitigate the fuel poverty crisis.  

Ffiona Hesketh from the Department for Business and Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) spoke about current energy efficiency and decarbonisation funding available, its lessons learned from previous schemes and a look ahead to the next three years, noting the importance for a reliable supply chain. We also heard from Simon Ayers at Trustmark, who conveyed a positive message about the progress made by industry so far in delivering quality products and services. He also presented the scale of opportunity ahead to focus on whole house retrofit to provide healthier, better efficient, and lower cost to heat homes. The first part of the day was rounded off by David Pierpoint from the Retrofit Academy who presented a roadmap of how we can reach the goals and targets needed to deliver their mission of 27 million professionally installed domestic retrofits by 2050, highlighting the importance that skills, training and qualifications will play 

Attendees then made their way to the prestigious Houses of Parliament to the Pavilion Terrace where we soaked in the atmosphere and views. MP Bim Afolami was first to speak and presented a powerful and clear message that government is committed to a net zero carbon future and emphasised the importance for industry to engage and provide clear, realistic solutions to help government pave the way to meet its ambitious targets. 

Lord Callanan, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (BEIS) then spoke about the important role that insulation has to play in the transition to net zero, and in helping to lower energy bills highlighting the need for a fabric first approach.  

‘We all know that we have a lot more still to do, but we are putting in the foundations and we have made some measurable progress so far with a clear path of where we need to get to. We know that with the support of organisations which are committed to excellence, we will be able to pass the finish line and reach net zero in 2050.’ 

The NIA are in talks to hold a further event this year in Scotland. Until then, this event was one to remember for the NIA being its first.    

NIA members have the opportunity to influence policy and have their voice heard to drive higher levels of quality and professionalism. For more information about the NIA and how to become a member, please click here, or contact the NIA at 

Updated Government VAT Guidance

Updated Government VAT Guidance

From 1st April 2022 until 31st March 2027, a zero rate VAT applies to the installation of certain specified energy-saving materials.

The new rules, effective from 1st April 2022 in Great Britain, remove both the social conditions test and the 60% test for all installations of qualifying energy-saving materials in England, Scotland and Wales.

What Does This Mean?

Heat pumps and the installation of certain specified energy-saving materials with ancillary supplies are zero-rated in Great Britain. For example, installing loft insulation but having to cut a new loft hatch in the ceiling and making good to access the loft. The cutting of the loft hatch and making good is, in itself, a simple construction supply, but as the services have been carried out solely in support of the loft insulation, they become ancillary.

However, if you replace your existing roof with a new insulated one, the insulation clearly is a better way of enjoying the new roof and so the insulation is ancillary to the new roof. As the supply of the roof is standard-rated, this applies to the whole supply, including the insulation.

Click Here to Find Out More:

Industry Calls on Government to Do More to Prevent Homes From Falling into Fuel Poverty

Industry Calls on Government to Do More to Prevent Homes From Falling into Fuel Poverty

Following the lack of focus on Energy Efficiency in the Government’s Energy Security Strategy yesterday, the National Insulation Association has signed a cross-industry letter sent to HM Treasury today. Issued by the Sustainable Energy Association, the letter calls on the Government to expand the eligibility of the Energy Company Obligation scheme to prevent homes from falling into Fuel Poverty.

View letter:

The Government has provided support for energy efficiency measures since 2013 under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), which has since seen over 3 million energy efficiency measures installed in more than 2 million homes. However, while the tried and tested scheme targets vulnerable households, support for homes that fall outside this definition are not eligible.

Two million more UK households could in fact be plunged into fuel poverty due to the price cap increase this April according to National Energy Action (NEA), with the cost of living crisis expected to worsen in Autumn.

Backed by leaders across the energy efficiency industry, including the NIA, the letter calls on the Government to strengthen its Energy Security Strategy by expanding the eligibility criteria for ECO.

The proposed solution is an ECO + Scheme, which would run adjacent but separate to ECO to ensure the key support the scheme brings to vulnerable households is not impacted, whilst helping those who will soon be at risk.

It is proposed that the ‘ECO+ Scheme’ would build upon the success of the current ECO scheme, bringing its benefits to the ‘able-to-pay’. It would run adjacent, but separate to, the current iteration of ECO to ensure the key support ECO brings to vulnerable households is not impacted.

A key difference is that whilst energy bill payers fund the current ECO scheme to support action to benefit vulnerable householders, ECO+ would have to be funded utilising taxpayer funding as additional costs could not be placed on energy bill payers at the current time.

British Energy Security Strategy

British Energy Security Strategy

British Energy Security Strategy

The Government has published its Energy Security Strategy today as part of its plans to boost Britain’s energy security following rising global energy prices and volatility in international markets.

Whilst key announcements focus more on additional supply, there are also key aspects that cover energy efficiency and demand reduction. However, the vast majority of the announcement, summarised below, is old news.

Energy Efficiency in Products and Buildings

  • Better labelling and product standards to be introduced so consumers can purchase more energy efficient products within heating, lighting, washing, and cooking.
  • The installation of household’s energy saving measures to be VAT free for the next 5 years. This is estimated to reduce the cost to consumers of insulation, double glazing, installing solar panels and heat pumps saving families £200 off the cost of installation.
  • A dedicated energy advice offering for smaller businesses to be established. This service is to deliver trusted advice on improving energy efficiency and decarbonisation.
  • Clearer energy performance standards across all buildings to be introduced phased in over the long term. This is likely to be linked to the EPC Action Plan.
  • Smart meters in new buildings to be deployed at a more accelerated rate.
  • Doubling of funding available to develop and pilot new green finance products for consumers from £10 million to £20 million.
  • Introduction of scheme under which lenders will work to improve the energy performance of properties.

Heat in Buildings

  • Heat pump manufacturing to be expanded supported by a Heat Pump Investment Accelerator Competition in 2022. This is estimated to be worth up to £30 million to make British heat pumps, which reduce demand for gas.
  • The UK hydrogen ambition to double up to 10GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030. While this is to be used for cleaner power and transport, there is potential for fuelling heat.
  • The UK’s current 14GW solar capacity to grow up to five times by 2035. There will be consultation on the rule of solar projects on domestic and commercial rooftops.
  • Low-cost finance from retail lenders to be facilitated to drive rooftop deployment and energy efficiency measures.
  • Performance standards to be designed to make installation of renewables, including solar PV, the presumption in new homes and buildings.
  • From the industry, Neptune energy will invest to support the priorities through increasing production from Duva field in Norway to heat an additional 350,000 homes in the country.
  • £450 million Boiler Upgrade Scheme.
  • Commitment to ‘rebalancing’ the costs placed on energy bills away from electricity to incentivise electrification across the economy and accelerate consumers. This will also ensure heat pumps are comparatively cheap to run over time. BEIS will publish proposals on how to do so in 2022, considering overall system impacts and limiting the impact on bills, particularly for low-income consumers

Government Response to ECO Consultation

Government Response to ECO Consultation

At the beginning of April 2022, after receiving a total of 144 responses, the UK Government published its response to the latest Energy Company Obligation consultation. In this article, we summarise some of the key points.


ECO3 Interim Delivery

Between 1st April and 30th June 2022, measures can be installed to ECO3 rules. Early delivery of ECO4 measures during any gap between ECO regulations is permitted.


Carry-under from the current obligation period is not permitted, but up to 10% of ECO3 delivery may be carried over to ECO4.

Solid Wall Alternative Measures can be carried over but they will not contribute towards the ECO4 Solid Wall Minimum Requirement. Measures delivered into E, F, and G-rated homes can be carried over but will not contribute towards the ECO4 EFG Minimum.

Where dual measures are delivered (insulation and heating), there is the option for the heating measure alone to be elected as carry-over. Replacement of efficient broken electric storage heating (ESH) and boilers carried over will count towards the ECO4 Broken Heating Replacement Cap.

Replacement of inefficient ESH and boiler upgrades (including those broken) can be carried over and fall outside of the ECO4 Broken Heating Replacement Cap. Inefficient heating systems can be replaced with First-Time Central Heating (FTCH) uncapped as all FTCH will also fall outside of the ECO4 Broken Heating Replacement Cap.

These are all subject to the overall 10% carry-over maximum. Carry-under has been deemed unnecessary.


Continuing a Fabric First Approach

The Solid Wall Minimum Requirement will be retained, and this option will be removed from Solid Wall Alternative Measures.

Whilst the consultation discussed SWMR set at 22,000 solid wall insulation measures per year for ECO4, based on updated modelling, the Government has decided to increase SWMR to be set at an equivalent of 90,000 measures for ECO4. This will be alongside the private-tenure EFG minimum equivalent of 150,000 homes.

Unless all eligible fabric measures are already installed to meet the current Building Regulation standards; the home holds a listed status; or is in a conservation area and unable to have insulation installed, then minimum insulation preconditions for all homes receiving any heating measure (including heating controls) will be enforced:

  • All band D homes receiving any heating measure other than First Time Central Heating (FTCH) must have at least one primary insulation measure installed (flat roof, pitched roof, room-in-roof, cavity or solid wall, park homes and floor insulation)
  • All E, F and G-banded homes receiving any heating measure, and band D homes receiving FTCH, must have all exterior facing cavity walls and loft (including rafters) or roof (including flat, pitched and room-in-roof) insulated.


ECO4 Flexible Eligibility

Up to 50% of the obligation can be met under ECO4 Flex delivery (LA and Supplier Flex). Participation will continue to be voluntary for suppliers, local authorities and the devolved administrations.


Eligible Households

There will be a pool of eligible households that BEIS estimates to be at least 3.5 million.


Minimum Requirements

A minimum equivalent upgrade of 150,000 private-tenure band EFG homes will be introduced. There will be minimum requirements for works with all eligible owner-occupier homes having an efficiency rating of D-G. Private rental homes and social housing will need to be E-G.


Partial Project Scores

The Government has decided to implement its proposal to use deflated partial project scores where a project is found to be non-compliant with the minimum requirement (MR) at the point of notification. Those projects will not have met the MR in practice and therefore all the remaining measures in the package will receive partial project scores, while rejected measures receive no score.

Click here to read the Government’s full response document.

NIA Parliamentary Day – 06 June 2022

On Monday 6th June, the NIA will host three exclusive events in London.

The first, beginning at 15:30, will be our AGM, which will be an exclusive, members-only session. This will be followed immediately at 16:00 by an informal industry policy briefing, which will be open to members and to a list of special invitees. Here, attendees will be able to interact and engage with NIA members and BEIS officials.


Both sessions will take place at the same afternoon venue:

Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ.

Then, between 18:30 and 21:30, we will host a Parliamentary Reception in the prestigious

surroundings of the House of Commons Terrace. Here, attendees will be able meet with NIA members, BEIS officials, industry stakeholders and policy-makers. They will also hear from several speakers, including our key speaker Lord Callanan, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Business, Energy and Corporate Responsibility). He will share his thoughts on the Government’s priorities for energy efficiency and the role that insulation can play in the journey to net zero.


Evening venue:

Terrace Pavilion, House of Commons, London, SW1 0AA.

The events are sponsored by NIA members STO and Sustainable Building Services and further details can be found on the event flyer:


If you have not received your invitation or would like further information on the sponsorship opportunities please email

Opportunities for NIA Members

Further to a wider collaboration between the NIA and the Greater South East Energy Hub, we are delighted to be able to signpost members to some fantastic opportunities to work with the Hub on schemes such as LAD2/3 and HUG.  This is the first step in an exciting collaboration between two organisations that we are sure will have fantastic benefits for both parties. 

The Greater South East Energy Hub* operates in the south east and east of England and has been building a supply chain of installers ready to provide energy-efficient measures, renewable energy, and low carbon heating for Government-funded retrofit projects. They are keen to see more insulation installers benefit from this opportunity, particularly with the emphasis on ‘fabric first’.

These domestic retrofit schemes include:

  • The current Local Authority Delivery (LAD2)
  • Future Sustainable Warmth programmes (LAD3/Home Upgrade Grant)

Funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and delivered via local authorities, the schemes will mean tens of thousands more households nationally will be able to be more energy efficient as a result of energy-saving upgrades and low carbon heating.

A monthly opportunity – join the regional supply chain

An opportunity opens every month for installers that are PAS 2030:2019 and Trustmark registered to register on the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). This is the procurement process being used by local authorities and social housing providers in the region to buy retrofit works. Installers that meet the registration criteria are added to the System.

Local authorities can then invite suppliers on the System to bid for a specific contract that is relevant to their area of work.

To find out more, click here.

*The Greater South East Energy Hub is one of five local Energy Hubs in England. The other four Hubs are also operating similar schemes and more information can be found by visiting their respective webpages below. 

North East | North West | Midlands | South West

If you’d like to get in touch with your thoughts, or if you have any questions, please contact us at or call us on 012171664558.