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Letter to the Construction Sector from Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng

The Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP, Secretary of State for the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has written a letter to the construction sector restating the Government position, which is that firms and tradespeople in the construction sector and its supply chain should continue to operate during the national lockdown.

The letter was published on Monday 11th January following new national lockdown restrictions as of 4th January.

Read the letter in full here

An update on the Private Rented Sector (PRS) Regulatory Consultation

Despite the unconventional start, 2021 has already been pinpointed as a year of climate action with the delayed COP26 summit due to take place this November and less than three decades to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. Radical energy efficiency improvements are required across almost every property type in the UK and the NIA has a key role to play in ensuring that this is achieved in a manner that is high-quality, cost-effective and timely. We look forward to continuing to work with you across the next 12 months.

An update on the Private Rented Sector (PRS) Regulatory Consultation

The NIA submitted its response to the PRS Regulatory consultation before Christmas and we would like to thank all of those who contributed. Your input is incredibly valuable and helps to ensure that the NIA’s response to consultations represents the views of members. The Government plans to publish its response to the consultation next spring (2021), and we can expect the amendments to the PRS regulations to be made in the autumn. The amendments will come into force on 1st April 2025.

The NIA welcomes extension to the Green Homes Grant scheme

The Prime Minister has announced his long-awaited Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, which is thought to be crucial in the lead up to the UK hosting COP26 next year. The Green Homes Grant Scheme has been extended by a year, to March 2022 representing an important for success for NIA and others who have repeatedly asked for an extension as delays have affected the start of the work under the scheme. We know that many members are experiencing frustration and significant challenges waiting for the issuing of vouchers and work from the NIA team continues to secure release as soon as possible.


NIA Chairman, Derek Horrocks commented:

“The Prime Minister’s 10 point plan rightly recognises the need to put buildings at the heart of a green recovery. We are delighted that the Green Homes Grant Scheme will be extended by 12 months reflecting the unprecedented interest and demand from consumers. Extension of the scheme will provide a welcome opportunity for NIA members and the wider industry to deliver measures that save energy over a lifetime, develop lasting capability and contribute towards net zero’’


National Insulation Association calls for green homes grant scheme to be extended

The National Insulation Association (NIA) has written a letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer today calling for the £2 billion Green Homes Grant Scheme (GHG) to be extended. The association and its members have been supportive of the intervention since it was announced this summer but are concerned its short timescales will limit its success.

The Green Homes Grant Scheme went live on 30th September and NIA members have been inundated with customer enquiries. This is a strong indication that homeowners and landlords across England are interested in the incentive which offers to reduce energy bills through insulation and low carbon heating measures.

However, there are rising concerns that this optimism will diminish due to the short three-month validity of individual vouchers and the scheme’s end date: 31st March 2021. These worries have grown following recent news that the vouchers will not be available until mid-November, leaving just four and a half short months for the industry to deliver measures.

There is a risk that despite the high initial interest, without an extension the level of uptake will sit much lower than the Government’s target of 600,000 homes. Furthermore, the job opportunities the scheme stands to create risk being cut short; new opportunities depend on new work acquired through the scheme.

Derek Horrocks, Chair of the National Insulation Association said:

“The NIA has championed the Green Homes Grant scheme since it was first announced. However, we must now address the concerns being echoed across the sector. Four and a half months from the point at which the first vouchers will be issued is not enough time to deliver on the Government’s aspirations for energy efficiency and job creation.

We are heading into winter – a time of year which already creates weather challenges for many green home improvements. On top of this, the nation and the workforce are still grappling with the impacts of a pandemic. It is vital that the scheme is extended to ensure that opportunities are not missed.”


Media Enquiries:
Christina Thompson-Yates
Telephone: 07394 560 984| Email

Notes to Editors:

  1. The National Insulation Association (NIA) represents the insulation industry in the UK with a member base comprised of installers, system certificate holders, and manufacturers who provide a wide range of insulation solutions for homes and buildings. The NIA and its members are fully committed to maintaining and raising standards within the insulation industry
  1. The Government launched the Green Homes Grant Scheme on 30th
  1. For more on joining the NIA, please visit

The Green Homes Grant Scheme

The National Insulation Association’s Guide to the Green Homes Grant Scheme: what we know so far

Become a Green Homes Grant installer 

Register as a certified installer with TrustMark

To ensure quality assurance and customer confidence, only TrustMark registered tradespeople can carry out installation work under the Green Homes Grant scheme. Those installing energy measures must also be certified to do so against PAS standards: PAS 2030:2017, PAS 2030:2019, or PAS 2035: 2019 for park homes, high rise buildings and buildings that are both traditionally constructed and protected.

Registered TrustMark installers will be added to a directory and can be contacted by customers looking to obtain a quote. Homeowners will be able to search for local installers using the Government’s Simple Energy Saving Advice Service.

Join TrustMark Today 


Register to be a Green Homes Grant installer

TrustMark registered businesses can register to be a Green Homes Grant installer.
Installers will be asked to accept the Terms and Conditions of the scheme and provide details for payment. They will also need to register for each of the measures they intend to install.

To register, you will need authority to act on behalf of the business, your TrustMark licence number, and the email address associated with your TrustMark account. If your business also installs low carbon heat measures such as heat pumps, you will also need to provide your MCS license number.

Register as a Green Homes Grant installer 


Quoting for work

Green Homes Grant installers will be able to quote for energy efficiency work under the scheme. Quotes should reflect the total cost of work, including materials, labour and VAT.
Quotes should not be any higher than what would have been issued outside of the Green Homes Grant scheme. Customers are required to have at least one quote from a registered installer to apply but are advised to obtain at least three quotes to ensure best value for money.

If the customer’s application is successful, the voucher will contain the name of the installer or business they have selected to carry out the works.



Green Homes Grant scheme vouchers expire after a period of three months, or when the scheme closes on 31st March 2021. The work agreed must be complete and the voucher redeemed before its expiry.

Customers are able to apply for an extension on the vouchers, provided the scheme is still open. Work should only begin once the voucher has been issued to the homeowner. Any work carried out beforehand cannot be claimed under the scheme.




Any deposits requested by the installer should be in line with the normal amount charged, and should not exceed the customer’s expected contribution based on the quote provided. Deposits from customers eligible for the low income scheme vouchers should not be requested unless the cost of the measures exceeds £10,000.

Customer contributions

Where a customer contribution is required, this is considered a condition of voucher eligibility. Accepting non-payment or covering costs to secure work will make the voucher invalid and constitute fraud.

Voucher redemptions

Green Homes Grant scheme vouchers represent the cost that will be covered by the Government. This will be paid directly to the installer once the work has been completed and the voucher has been redeemed. To redeem the voucher, the household will need to provide a dated copy of the invoice issued by the installer.

The homeowner will also need to confirm that:

– the installation was completed satisfactorily before the voucher expiry date
– they have received the necessary documents from the installer
– they have paid their share of the costs to the installer (if applicable)
-they meet the relevant eligibility requirements

Help and Support

Green Homes Grant installer enquiries

A word from Derek Horrocks – NIA Chairman

“The Green Homes Grant scheme is a much-needed intervention and a crucial part of delivering a green economic recovery. The unprecedented interest our members have received from homeowners and landlords in recent weeks is testament to that. It is a lifeline for many small energy efficiency and construction businesses, including members of the National Insulation Association, and should create huge job opportunities. Many are hopeful that this will be the start of nationwide revolution in the energy performance of our homes.

Businesses all over England will benefit, particularly in the context of economic uncertainty when people are less likely or perhaps more reluctant to have work done on their homes. Industry working practices are in place for companies to deliver work in a safe manner. We should treat this as a pilot scheme for longer term spend on energy efficiency: if take up goes as well as hoped, this could be the start of something huge.”


Press Release NIA welcomes launch of the Green Homes Grant Voucher scheme

The National Insulation Association has welcomed the formal opening of applications to the Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme on 30th September.

For families across Britain, home energy upgrades will not just reduce energy bills, it will also radically improve health and well-being. Rolled out at scale the warmer homes can close the significant gaps in the Government’s climate strategy and deliver far-reaching benefits right across the country.

Today’s launch by Government provides some much needed clarity for consumers and industry with a final list of eligible measures and a means of applying for grants. In a single note of caution, the NIA highlights the importance maintaining support beyond March 2021. Further commitment to a grant system like this will provide businesses with the financial confidence to further invest in upskilling new and existing employees. This in turn will get them ready to meet the evidently high demand for energy efficiency measures from households in every region.

Derek Horrocks, Chairman of the National Insulation Association, said:

“The Green Homes Grant scheme is a much-needed intervention and a crucial part of delivering a green economic recovery. The unprecedented interest our members have received from homeowners and landlords in recent weeks is testament to that. It is a lifeline for many small energy efficiency and construction businesses, including members of the National Insulation Association, and should create huge job opportunities. Many are hopeful that this will be the start of a nationwide revolution in the energy performance of our homes.

Businesses all over England will benefit, particularly in the context of economic uncertainty when people are less likely or perhaps more reluctant to have work done on their homes. Industry working practices are in place for companies to deliver work in a safe manner. We should treat this as a pilot scheme for longer term spend on energy efficiency: if take up goes as well as hoped, this could be the start of something huge.”





Notes to Editors:

  1. The National Insulation Association (NIA) represents the insulation industry in the UK with a member base comprised of installers, system certificate holders, and manufacturers who provide a wide range of insulation solutions for homes and buildings. The NIA and its members are fully committed to maintaining and raising standards within the insulation industry


  1. The Government launched the Green Homes Grant Scheme on 30th


  1. For more on joining the NIA, please visit

National Insulation Association welcomes the Sixth Carbon Budget – the world’s first roadmap for a fully decarbonised economy.

The Committee on Climate Change has today called for a reduction in emissions from buildings through a fabric first approach; by 2030, just over a third of emissions abatement should come through the installation of energy efficiency improvements.

These recommendations form part of the CCC’s wider Sixth Carbon Budget, which will run from 2033 -2037. The Budget also sets out a recommended pathway to Net Zero by 2050, which would necessitate a 78% reduction in emissions between 1990 and 2035.

The National Insulation Association believes that a fabric first approach is essential to reducing emissions from homes and buildings in line with the legislated net zero target. We have seen huge interest in insulation measures through the Green Homes Grant scheme since its launch earlier this Autumn. Today’s recommendations highlight the importance of delivering on this demand and improving the UK housing stock.

The delivery of the Government’s target to bring all homes to EPC Band C was highlighted by the CCC as one of the four key priorities for buildings. The CCC has today recommended that 3 million cavity wall insulation measures, 11 million loft insulation measures, and 3.4 million solid wall insulation measures are installed by 2050. This would require £55 billion investment in domestic energy efficiency, and a rapid scale up of supply chains. By 2050, Heat demand in domestic buildings could consequently reduce by up to 22%.

NIA members are committed to scaling up and delivering on these recommendations and providing households across the United Kingdom with more efficient, affordable homes to live in, whilst reducing energy demand and carbon emissions. It is critical that high quality installations and customer service are at the heart.

The energy policy landscape has changed rapidly over the past year and the NIA is hopeful that ambitions will be increased in line with today’s recommendations. A long-term policy pathway will provide much needed clarity for consumers and industry, and will help to reduce energy demand from homes and buildings right across the UK.

The CCC has also recommended that Government focus its efforts on scaling up supply chains throughout the next decade in preparation for delivery in the 2030s. NIA members – and the wider energy efficiency sector are committed to leveling up significantly ahead of these timescales.

Derek Horrocks, Chairman of the National Insulation Association, said:

“It is brilliant to see the Committee on Climate Change’s 6th Carbon Budget today. As we leave this difficult year behind us, 2021 represents the start of increased ambition and action. The National Insulation Association is committed to working with policymakers to deliver the right insulation measures to homes across the UK. We look forward to the Government’s response to today’s recommendations in anticipation that we can deepen the necessary partnership to decarbonise UK homes. A long-term strategy accompanied with direct support for high quality household energy efficiency upgrades is essential to build on the momentum now being created.”




Notes to Editors:

  1. The National Insulation Association (NIA) represents the insulation industry in the UK with a member base comprised of installers, system certificate holders, and manufacturers who provide a wide range of insulation solutions for homes and buildings. The NIA and its members are fully committed to maintaining and raising standards within the insulation industry
  2. For more on joining the NIA, please visit

Media Enquiries:
Christina Thompson-Yates
Telephone: 07394 560 984| Email


Ensuring Customer Care Is At The Heart of The Green Homes Grant


The National Insulation Association (NIA) welcomes the Chancellor’s summer economic statement which announced a £3 billion green jobs plan to boost employment whilst accelerating the transition to net-zero by 2050. £2 billion of funding for a Green Homes Grant scheme is a major boost for jobs which could have a huge impact on reducing emissions from existing homes whilst making homes more affordable to run.

A solid foundation of customer care and technical competency is already established to support the scheme and credible, financially viable companies are ready to invest in new sustainable jobs to support its successful and impactful delivery.

It is vital that the interests of the consumer are put at the heart of the scheme from inception. Those in receipt of the grant should receive outstanding levels of customer service and the highest possible standard of quality installation, using accredited and guaranteed systems and products.

Getting the scheme design right and learning lessons from the past will maximise the number of sustainable jobs created whilst benefiting customers and contributing to the longer-term challenge of bringing all homes up to EPC Band C by 2035.

The NIA looks forward to continuing to work with colleagues across industry and government over the coming weeks to develop a successful scheme that improves the energy efficiency of homes across the country.

Derek Horrocks, Chairman of the National Insulation Association said:

“The National Insulation Association has been active in encouraging a Home Upgrade Grant scheme such as this in recent months. As we recover from the crisis and accelerate the low carbon transition, improving the quality of our homes will have wide-reaching benefits but it is essential that the scheme firmly locks in quality rather than just quantity. Industry is ready and willing to ensure that both are delivered at the same time.”


Notes to Editors:

  1. The NIA published a report, setting out how a Home Upgrade Scheme might work on 29th June 2020
  2. The NIA was one of nine energy efficiency industry groups to write to the Chancellor, calling for the
    introduction of the scheme this calendar year. Read the full letter here.
  3. The National Insulation Association (NIA) represents the insulation industry in the UK with a member base comprised of installers, system certificate holders, and manufacturers who provide a wide range of insulation solutions for homes and buildings. The NIA and its members are fully committed to maintaining and raising standards within the insulation industry
  4. For more on joining the NIA, please visit

Media Enquiries: 
Christina Thompson-Yates
Telephone: 07394 560 984| Email